Friday, December 17, 2004

Grace Under Pressure - Elbow


"Grace under pressure.
Cooling palm across my brow.
Eyes of an angel, lay me down."

This song is a lot simpler. The history is that she gave it to me on Windy Day Songs. I've returned to this song, outside of the context of Windy, for spiritual levity when I've needed it in the past months. Though she gave it to me, I've managed to make the song bipartisan; I recognize its origins, but identify with the song in ways that have nothing to do with her.

Original Intent : I wanted something to bring me back up after "All We Have Is Now," because that song is both musically and contextually heavy. I chose this for its personal meaning to me.

New Intent : This song reflects, almost perfectly, the nature of our relationship these days: On the surface, I'm seeking satisfaction and relief from myself. Below the surface, I'm silently espousing her and her gifts to me. I didn't realize this double-meaning until just now.


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