Puppy-logue Number Two
The puppies have been here for 8 days and have made themselves at home. Definite personality traits are showing up. Some of them seem in danger of staying. I'll share a few.

Andy--Thinks of himself as Top Dog so of course, feels compelled to climb higher than anyone else. If Opie is in my lap, Andy will try to perch on my chest. He's the more agile of the two, already mastered going up and down some steps. He's faster, more curious, and greedy about food. Despite his machismo, he's a scaredy cat at heart. A hoot from the owl last night put him in missile mode to the back door.

Opie--He's happy to watch from a distance and move in when he's ready. That doesn't mean he's aloof, but rather discerning. He's actually the more loving of the two. He likes to lick you, alot. He is also prone to eating poop (we're working on that) so the combination is no good. Opie eats more slowly and is less of a glutton than Andy. He is a bit slower to catch on to commands. He is serious about his toys and has a huge weakness for wicker baskets.
Both should have Houdini as their middle name (safety gates are minor obstacles) and both have stolen my heart.
-Speed Natzi

Andy--Thinks of himself as Top Dog so of course, feels compelled to climb higher than anyone else. If Opie is in my lap, Andy will try to perch on my chest. He's the more agile of the two, already mastered going up and down some steps. He's faster, more curious, and greedy about food. Despite his machismo, he's a scaredy cat at heart. A hoot from the owl last night put him in missile mode to the back door.

Opie--He's happy to watch from a distance and move in when he's ready. That doesn't mean he's aloof, but rather discerning. He's actually the more loving of the two. He likes to lick you, alot. He is also prone to eating poop (we're working on that) so the combination is no good. Opie eats more slowly and is less of a glutton than Andy. He is a bit slower to catch on to commands. He is serious about his toys and has a huge weakness for wicker baskets.
Both should have Houdini as their middle name (safety gates are minor obstacles) and both have stolen my heart.
-Speed Natzi