Saturday, September 10, 2005

Idle Streak

I have always felt that the most challenging part of keeping a blog is balancing the amount of things you do with the amount of things you report. It works paradoxically, and I often crumble under the weight of paradox. Let me explain.

The more times per day/week/month I blog, the less time I spend actually doing things other than blogging. Because I'm not going to delve into the recursive hell that would be blogging about blogging, the decision to blog twice a day would leave my entries somewhat lacking; what kind of noteworthy adventure takes place in 3-5 hours. I like to tell stories that are a little more epic than a 5-hour span can contain.

On the other hand, if I spend almost all of my free time having fun, hanging out, finding enormous stone turtles on the side of I-64... I am left with little time to actually report all of these events. Should I find the time, I run the risk of slighting the stories by retelling them in a hurry.

Inevitably, I will float through both conditions throughout the course of this year. Presently, I find myself in the latter condition; it has been a very busy set of days for me. I can't speak for my suitemates (or even to them, because I have not seen them in days), but I have been almost constantly occupied since Wednesday morning. I know that Alfonzo and Chaz are hard at work on something, which should raise suspicion, as the two of them typically have very little in common. Vladimir has been around more this week than last, but he still finds other rooms to sleep in; last I checked, his mattress is still quite bare.

I, on the other hand, have been doing my best to redeem my socially inept freshman year. I was out of my room for a record-breaking 13 hours yesterday, though my social streak has, today, condemned me to many consecutive hours of studying Russian (curse your foreign alphabet, Vlad. Tell Cyril he can take this i kratkoye and shove it).

But, it being my most celebrated hour of the day, I thought I'd take a break to let everyone know what I've been up to. I will, of course, give a more detailed account of the highlights of my week at some point in time. For the moment, I must return to my studies.

For those who understand the significance of this statement : I lost the game. For those who do not understand this statement, please feel free to contact me and ask.



Blogger Monty Jaus said...

wow, the first mention of the game in the blog.

12:58 AM  

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