Friday, December 17, 2004

History Part 2, Tracks 14-15

Row - Jon Brion : Non-thology #1 and #2
Virar vel til loftárása - Sigur Rós

These two songs have never been featured on any of my mixes, any mixes that have been given to me, or given to me in any way. "Row" is from the Eternal Sunshine soundtrack, and I heard it and it reminded me of a Sigur Rós song that had been in a music video that Bridget and I watched together (in another one of those disconnected, random nighttime memories). The music video, which features the full 10 minute song, is about a little boy who is playing with a doll, for which his father reprimands him. He drops the doll and a boy who is watching the events unfold sits idly by. Some period of time later, the boys are in a tent, being prepped for a soccer match. The onlooker boy walks up to the other boy, and hands him his doll. The soccer match commences, and the boy with the doll scores what seems to be the winning goal. Fanfare ensues, and as it dies down, we see that the two boys--the one with the doll and the one who retrieved it--are kissing in the middle of the field. In the chaotic conclusion of the song, parents and authorities rush to the middle of the field and tear the boys apart, followed by a quick cut to black. I remember watching this very late at night in my house, along with something else, though I can't remember what it was.
Anyway, the song above, which I daren't spell out again, is the song from that video. It comes from history, but has never been used before in the my universe of mixes.
It seems that a significant portion of this disc is owed to those memories from darkness, the vauge, unconnected memories which I have come to cherish recently.


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