Friday, January 06, 2006

On Parallel Threads Pt. 2

While watching my Tivo recordings of Knight Rider (I don't see what's so great about it, Chaz), my mother threw the business section of the Atlanta-Journal Constitution at me. I read the headline and laughed.

I just want everyone to recognize this landmark in Suite 3100's history. You might have read, or glanced at, yesterday's post on Shoder Furniture and the parallel threads of reality. What this means is that Suite 3100 had this story, and brought this story to you, an entire 12 hours before the AJC. Could Suite 3100 become an underground news source?

Anyway, I've scanned some excerpts from the article. It appears that some of my farfetched conjectures were not really so farfetched.

Rooms-To-Go bought the remains of Rhodes Furniture, a 126-year-old company that was destroyed by poor commercial decisions and the economic recession. RTG has kept some of Rhodes' old locations, but sold the North Dekalb location to Ulrich, who, apparently, runs the store next door, All About The House. It's one of those stores that occupies a room much too large for its inventory; it used to be a Parisian, back in the day. There's some weird property of department stores, where you can measure the class of the store by how much of the rear wall is visible from the entrance. All About The House hasn't got a single rear wall shielded from sight, not a single display or divider stands between you and a full view of the whole store.

What's more, I was right about the sign. Rhodes is dead and gone, and Ulrich is just trying to save money.

I am filled, simultaneously, with admiration and disgust. I know I shouldn't balk at such thrift; after all, what's in a name? Regardless, it just calls the ALDI grocery store chain to mind.

Not that my opinion matters. I'm not exactly in the market for home furnishings, and I wouldn't be buying things in Atlanta, if I were.

Even if you don't cancel your AJC subscription, remember who brought you this story first.



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