Saturday, January 14, 2006

On The Sudden And Unexplainable Popularity Of Grocery Stores

Folks, we here at Suite 3100 have been doing lots of work behind the scenes to determine what makes you laugh, what makes you cry, and what makes you tune in every time you sit down at your computer. Anyone with a website will tell you that the three purposes of the internet are : 1. To sell you things. 2. To corrode your mind with poorly targeted advertising. 3. To reallocate your time and concern away from reality, and to the Internet.

In the pursuit of numbers two and three, we've been monitoring the popularity of various posts, and we've found our honeypot : Grocery Stores.

You might remember a classic Carl post (one of S3100's most popular and revisited), "On The Pleasure Of Shopping," in which Carl, beckoned by a coupon for free GoGurt, embarks on a store-hop to redeem it. This post, in particular, has recieved more attention (readers and commenters) than any other on the site. Our top men have discerned that this has everything to do with the number of grocery stores involved in the story : two.

Just today, in fact, a reader approched me online (see, number three is working) and wrote "Next time post your grocery list".
Art is as much about the veiwer as it is about the artist, but the truly brilliant ideas sometimes come from the peanut gallery. Who am I to say no?

Alan's Back-To-School Grocery List
-Floss (not for flossing, but for tying up those who enter my den of iniquity)
-Deodorant (same as above)
-12 pk of Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper (I've really fallen for this stuff, but I think I still like PIbb Zero better)
-Bag of salty snacks (for the drive up)

Kinda short, isn't it? Well, I do my best to supply the public with what they want. Let's see if it pays off.



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