Thursday, March 09, 2006


We're t-minus 3 hours and counting. 8.5 hours to Atlanta, 6.5 hours of sleep, and ~8 hours to St. Petersburg, FL.

I'm incredibly anxious about driving for so long, and my cohorts remind me (again and again, sorry guys) that there will be driver switches. My parents have taught me well, such that I don't trust Belinda in the hands of just anyone. What an insurance nightmare. What a nightmare in general, to have a near death collision in the backseat of your own car. Just thinking about it makes me all shivery and sweaty. I've made the drive alone without problems, and I figure having people around will only make the trip more bearable, but I'm still quite nervous. Body, mind, don't fail me now.

There's not much time for a post, and not much post content at the ready. I've got my fingers crossed that I'll have access to the internet in FL (especially given the composition of my cohorts, mostly engineers with a deep love for computing and readily accessible information), but if I don't, this will be it until next weekend.

I'm glad I decided to go on this trip, as anxious as it's making me. There are reasons why home just isn't the place to be right now, and I didn't have it in me (or my checking account) to make another solo trip to a great American city. Having 10 co-vacationers will take the pressure off of me, as far as ideas and activities go, and I hope to write one or two stories while I'm there. Also hoping to read a good book, or at least start one.




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