Monday, December 20, 2004

Passenger Seat - Death Cab For Cutie

The Movie Version Resumes

"When you feel embarassed, then I'll be your pride.
When you need directions, then I'll be the guide
For all time.
For all time."

The above lyric really misses the point, I think. I like the above lyric, a lot, and it was most of the reason I chose to try and sing this song for her; I like the thoughts of supporting her, of being needed by her. This is, no doubt, the very reason she gave it to me on Windy Day Songs. I say it misses the point because I kinda used the song to ruin a sentiment. I didn't do it on purpose, of course. But the idea of being bolstered and supported coming from Bridget to me is something wonderful, something I look for (and, at the same time, instinctually avoid). However, the same sentiment from me to Bridget is just further subjugation. To remind her of that, that I will catch her when she falls, is terrible in this context for two reasons: 1. It is needless, as the context of our relationship up to that point had been one of my dominance in all affairs, especially in emotional bolstering (though, I might note, most of the need for bolstering was my own fault). 2. This mix comes some small number of weeks before I abandon Bridget. I pledge to her something that I'm not even fully prepared to offer!
The true message of this song, if it can be redeemed in this mix, is in the image of me in the passenger seat and Bridget behind the wheel. Though there are reasons to harken back to the actual period in which Bridget was the main automobile operator in our relationship, there is also important symbolism in the image; this is what I see us, someday, destined for. She will be behind the wheel, and perhaps I'll bark directions from time to time, but she will drive. I can't really explain this too well at the moment. There's something there, though.
This song also, notably, leads me to recall the time mentioned in History Part 2 : "Good Vibrations". One would do well to check that out, if one doesn't know what I'm talking about.


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